Sunday, October 21, 2007

Piggy Berry 2

Berry continues the search for food in his garden. The flowers of Hardy Fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica 'Alba') ripen into a edible tangy green fruit. Other Fuchsia in our garden produce fruit too, but the fruit of 'Alba' is the largest and has the best flavor.


The All Seasons Gardener said...

This is hilarious - I thought our Cairn Terrier, Falco (aka Fat Boy) was the only dog who did things like this. I've just had to take a dessert gooseberry out of the garden because he ate ALL the fruit this summer and got colic ...

Sarah said...

Thanks for reading & watching! We have to keep all edibles out of the dogs reach, they act like we never feed them kibble. This spring we had to fence off our peas: Peas and beans are their favorites!